In the new revised 5th Edition of A Headache in the Pelvis (pgs. 326 – 330) which came out in May 2008, Stanford Psychologist David Wise, Pd.D. and Neurologist Rodney Anderson, M.D. refer to Alber Ellis’ Rational-Emotive Therapy and Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and write: “The best form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, in our opinion, is offered in The Work of Byron Katie, who provides an approach to disarming catastrophic thinking by means of a process that one can do oneself. This is one approach that we recommend.” Wise and Anderson are practical, in the trenches, therapists who work daily with sever pelvic pain and other chronic syndromes. They recommended Byron Katie’s method in their 4th edition of the book. THANKS LORALEE FOR FINDING THIS INFORMATION!
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