At Turning Point Centers, our team measures patient outcomes. We use the information to continuously improve the effectiveness of treatment.
And we’re happy to share with you the results from our satisfaction survey:
94% of our patients are satisfied with their treatment!
Why did our Patients Enter Treatment?
Patients were given Multiple Choice Options for why they Entered Treatment. The top two reasons were:
- They were “tired of living this way” (76%)
- Because family/friends asked or told them to go get treatment (53%)
Predominant Drugs of Choice
- 45% alcohol
- 23% opiates
- 9% amphetamines
Patients with Moderate or Severe Symptoms
30 Days Prior to Treatment
The majority of patients entering Turning Point Center reported moderate or severe symptoms of one or more co-occurring disorders in the 30 days prior to entering treatment.*

Results After Treatment*
During the time they were in treatment, the severity of the co-occurring symptoms that our patients were experiencing declined dramatically.

The graphic above demonstrates how the percentage of patients reporting moderate to severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and trauma symptoms declined between intake and the last progress monitoring survey.
Patients with Suicidal Thoughts Behavior*
Prior to Treatment
A significant percentage of our patients reported wishing they were dead or could go to sleep and not wake up in the 30 days prior to treatment. Many of the patients claimed to have actually prepared or attempted to commit suicide in the month before treatment.

After Treatment
A small percentage of our clients had some form of suicidal ideation but no longer had any intent or plan for committing suicide.

12% of our clients had some form of suicidal ideation but no longer had any intent or plan for committing suicide
*This data is reported by 267 patients treated at Turning Point Centers during the period between August 8, 2017, and October 31, 2018 with at least 1 progress response.
Satisfaction with Treatment & Goals
Satisfaction with Treatment
The majority (approximately 94%) of Turning Point’s patients submitting ongoing progress monitoring surveys were very satisfied with the treatment they were receiving.

Meeting Treatment Goals
Most of these patients (82%) reported that they had achieved their treatment goals.