
Why is it bad to take sleeping pills?

sleepingpillsWhy is it bad to take sleeping pills?

Many people experience insomnia and decide to take a sleeping pill or two to allow their mind and body some relaxation and rest.  However, some advise against the excessive use of sleeping pills. indicates that long-term use of sleeping pills can be addictive.  They state, “For short-term insomnia, your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills for several weeks. Yet after regular use for a longer period, your sleeping pill may stop working as you build a tolerance to the medication. You may also become psychologically dependent on the medicine. Then the idea of going to sleep without it will make you anxious.  Without the sleeping pill, you might find it difficult to sleep. If that happens it could be a sign of a physical or emotional dependence or both. Some studies show that long-term use of sleeping pills actually interferes with sleep. The best way to avoid developing a physical or emotional dependence on sleeping pills is to follow your doctor’s instructions and stop taking the drug when recommended.”

Tranquilizers can also be used to induce sleep, but can also have harmful effects if abused.  The most common tranquilizers and sleeping pills and their generic names include:

  • Valium (diazepam)
  • Imovane (zopiclone)
  • Ambien (zoldipem)
  • Klonopin or Rivotril (clonazepam)
  • Restoril (temazepam)
  • Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)
  • Ativan (lorazepam)
  • Xanax (alprazolam)
  • Dalmane (flurazepam)
  • Lunesta (eszopiclone)

Some side effects of short term use of sleeping pills or tranquilizers include: drowsiness, reduced tension, and feeling content or satisfied.  It is very dangerous to operate a vehicle while taking sleeping pills or tranquilizers for obvious reasons.  Also, if one combines alcohol with sleeping pills or tranquilizers it is extremely dangerous: they may have trouble breathing or go into a coma.

The longer people use tranquilizers and sleeping pills the more anxious they become. In the beginning they help you to relax and fall asleep. But after a few months they have the opposite effect.

It’s difficult to stop taking sleeping pills or tranquilizers once one’s body becomes accustomed to taking them.  Individuals may experience anxiety, mood swings, low energy, poor sleep, depersonalization, poor concentration, nausea, and tremors among other things.