
Stop the Drug Abuse Before it Starts

stoptheabuseStop the Drug Abuse Before it Starts

Certain individuals are much more susceptible to addictions than others, but there are some key things one can do to prevent drug abuse before it ever begins. On, four critical factors are listed as important things to do to prevent drug abuse from ever starting.

First, it is important to find healthy ways to cope with stress. Research shows that most drug abusers started using when they were under a lot of stress or experiencing high amounts of tension. It’s important to remember that drugs are only a temporary fix or escape. If there is something difficult, challenging, or stressful in your life, it’s best to find support or help to tackle the problem and eliminate as much of the stress as you can. Drugs will not provide a solution. In fact, once the effects of drug wear off, the stress and anxiety may increase.

Second, attend therapy or counseling. Find a highly recommended counselor that can lend support. Talking through hard issues and struggles with others or even just discussing openly the desire to use drugs will lessen the desire to turn to drugs.

Third, it is vital to live a lifestyle that makes you feel happy. Depression is a trigger for drug abuse. When people are down, despairing, overwhelmed, and unhappy, drugs become more appealing. Finding ways to feel happy without abusing drugs is very important. It might mean that you seek out a new hobby, change your group of friends, find a place to volunteer, etc. Also, forming and maintaining strong relationships is key to stopping drug abuse before it starts. If you care deeply enough about the people and activities in your life, you are less likely to jeopardize them by experimenting with drugs.

Fourth, be aware of your family’s history with drug and alcohol abuse. The truth is, some individuals are more susceptible to addiction than others. Being aware if one of your ancestors had a problem with a drug or alcohol addiction can help to be more aware of your own weaknesses. If you find a genetic connection take extra caution to avoid drugs and alcohol. Also, if you were exposed to unhealthy behaviors with drugs and or alcohol as a child, reach out to a counselor to resolve any underlying issues you may have due to that. However, regardless of one’s background, anyone can slip into a pattern of drug abuse if they are not careful.

In order to stop drug abuse before it ever starts, self-awareness is key. Knowing how happy you feel about yourself and the life around you, knowing your genetic history and being aware of your stress levels and how to lessen them can strengthen your resolve to stay drug-free.