
Spotting the Signs of Addiction in Your Teen

Spotting the signs of addiction in your teen


Getting your teen to tell you about their day can be difficult enough, even when they aren’t trying to hide anything from you. However, when it comes to addiction development, it is imperative that as a parent you stay vigilant and be on the lookout for any warning signs.

In 2012, the NIDA (The National Institute of Drug Abuse) estimated that just over 14 percent of high school seniors in the United States abused prescription drugs. That figure doesn’t include the drugs which were not prescription drugs.  Although abuse of non-prescription drugs has declined in recent years, the abuse of those drugs (such as ecstasy or huffing) still proves to be a problem as well.  The abuse of any drug can have the potential to harm teens and compromise their bright and promising futures.

Some symptoms to watch for in suspected teens include: a disheveled appearance because of a decreased interest in the way they look, dilated pupils and red cheeks, burn marks on their fingers, (though possibly caused by cigarettes, could indicate that they are experimenting with a more dangerous substance like meth), excessive sweating, and frequent teeth clenching.  These characteristics may be cause to bring up the subject of drug abuse with your teen.

Although many parents are aware of the warning signs of drug abuse, many parents may not catch on to their child’s drug habit before it has developed into an all-consuming addiction. It is critical to be on the watch for any signs or symptoms and to always have an open line of communication with your teen about their behavior, activities and friends.