As if our country doesn’t have enough drug and alcohol problems to deal with now we have Spice! Okay…spice doesn’t show up on drug tests which makes it difficult for parents and facilities to determine the use. However, it does carry all the same symptoms of marijuana and users will tell you it gives them the same high, if not better…so watch for symptoms similar to that of marijuana and you’ll know. You’ll especially know if he/she passes a drug test for marijuana. Spice is currently legal and sold as incense. Even the label says “not for human consumption,” yet this new high is taking over our youth. Some consider it a “synthetic marijuana” because of the many chemicals on the herbs. It’s those chemicals that are starting to fill up the emergency rooms! Kids and adults alike are trying this stuff out and liking it…so be attentive and call someone for help immediately if you have any symptoms showing up in your loved one.
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