
Opiate/Heroin Information

These are scary so get ready:  Heroin and opiate abuse cost our country over $485 BILLION per year.  This includes lost wages, abuse of the medical system, crime, traffic accidents and the cost of the legal system.  Another statistic for you regarding heroin and opiate addiction abusers make up 50% of the crimes committed in this country.  Also, 10 to 20% of car accidents involve people who are abusing drugs!  Moral of the story?  Don’t think you and/or your loved one won’t or can’t get hooked on opiates.  Although many people receive opiates for legitimate reasons very often a percentage turn the corner from prescription, to dependence and ultimately addiction.  If you notice prescriptions running out, money missing or anything out of the ordinary start calling treatment centers to find out how you can get into a drug and alcohol rehab center for help!

Source:  National Institute on Drug Abuse