
Fingerprint technology used in drug testing

FingerprintDrugTestingFingerprint technology used in drug testing

A team of researchers from the Netherlands and England at the University of Surrey recently found that fingerprint technology can be used in drug testing. Drug testing is generally an uncomfortable experience, using hair, blood, or urine. But with this new technology, drug testing can be accomplished using nothing more than a person’s fingerprints.

Researchers believe that the applications for this test could be far-reaching. For instance, the University of Surrey reports that, “drug testing is used routinely by probation services, prisons, courts and other law enforcement agencies. However, traditional testing methods have limitations. For example, blood testing requires trained staff and there are privacy concerns about urine testing. Where bodily fluids are tested, there can be biological hazards and often a requirement for particular storage and disposal methods. Often these tests also require analysis off-site.”

However, as the researchers point out, “The beauty of this method is that, not only is it non-invasive and more hygienic than testing blood or saliva, it can’t be faked. By the very nature of the test, the identity of the subject is captured within the fingerprint ridge detail itself.”

This breakthrough will be make police officers jobs much easier. Often, an officer would like to test a driver for drug use, but it’s pretty impractical. With the fingerprint technology, testing for drugs can eventually be done even out on the road. The University reports that, “this technology could see the introduction of portable drug testing for law enforcement agencies to use within the next decade.”

Although fingerprint technology drug testing is not yet available to the public, it is exciting that the researchers propose that the technology will be ready for public distribution and use within the decade.
